Meeting EPA Lead and Copper Rule Requirements Through Strategic Water Sampling and Resident Outreach
The Challenge
The City of Hamtramck, Michigan, delivers safe, clean drinking water to over 22,000 connections throughout the community. In 2023, the city faced a critical deadline imposed by the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) to sample a select number of residential water service connections in compliance with the EPA’s Lead and Copper Rule (LCR). The rule requires water systems to monitor lead and copper levels to protect public health, especially in communities with older plumbing infrastructure.
Hamtramck’s numerous older homes with aging water service lines made the task of sampling a challenge. The city needed to identify which homes would be tested, notify residents, and perform accurate, timely sampling before the EGLE deadline. Additionally, Hamtramck had to ensure all samples were collected and tested through an EPA-certified lab to meet regulatory requirements.
The project had it’s challenges, but by teaming with HydroCorp while utilizing existing city resources, the compliance deadline was achieved on time. – David Webster, City of Hamtramck Billing Manager
The Solution
Recognizing the logistical and technical demands of the project, Hamtramck turned to HydroCorp for support. Known for its expertise in cross-connection control, HydroCorp developed a comprehensive strategy to meet the EGLE deadline.
HydroCorp’s solution included three main components:
- Water Customer Notification and Engagement
HydroCorp played a vital role in notifying Hamtramck residents of the sampling process. Through customized outreach campaigns, HydroCorp provided clear, concise communication to inform homeowners of the importance of water testing and their participation. - Onsite Sampling Activities
HydroCorp conducted the onsite sampling of residential water service lines in accordance with EPA and EGLE protocols. Trained field technicians visited the selected homes, following best practices to collect water samples from taps and other sampling points. Each step of the process was documented to maintain a clear chain of custody, ensuring the integrity of the samples. - Certified Lab Testing
Once the samples were collected, HydroCorp coordinated with an EPA-certified laboratory for testing. The lab analyzed the water samples for lead and copper levels, ensuring compliance with the EPA’s strict water quality standards. Results were reported back to the City of Hamtramck and EGLE, providing the data needed for regulatory compliance.
The Result
Thanks to HydroCorp’s efforts, the City of Hamtramck completed its water sampling project ahead of the EGLE deadline. The certified results showed compliance with the EPA’s Lead and Copper Rule, reassuring both regulators and residents that the city’s water quality was safe. HydroCorp’s proactive approach helped Hamtramck meet its obligations and build trust with residents through clear communication and expert technical support.
Hamtramck’s collaboration with HydroCorp highlights the key role third-party experts play in navigating complex regulations. HydroCorp’s management of the process, from customer notification to lab testing, ensured timely compliance with state and federal standards.